Spring mocked us this last week. It came. It went. It was 70 degrees for about 2 minutes one day last week. Honest, I took a picture of it on my car thermometer. By the time I was done, it went back down to 68 degrees. But I have proof.
Now it is struggling to be 30 degrees and schools were closed due to snow and ice today. How does this tie in with weight loss Wednesday, you ask. Well, loosely. I say all of the above to lament the return of snow to our frozen mitten and tell you we did get outside as a family for some fun during our two days of spring last week.
Friday night we headed out to my favorite park, Indepence Oaks. We took a walk as a family and checked out trees the beavers had cut down, then daddy and the older girls played on the playground while mama and Patrice went for a little jog. I did about a mile with the jogging stroller. Not terrible since I was not at all prepared, had the wrong shoes, clothes and undergarments.
Saturday was also beautiful. I mean, absolutely wonderfully fantastic. And I got to run outside again. This time all by myself and properly prepared. I decided to get adventurous with my run and check out new neighborhoods. The run felt great. I never felt like I was going to die, like my legs or lungs were going to burst. It was fantastic. It took me 83 minutes to do…wait for it…5.8 miles!!!! Yup. That is just a hair shorter than my longest run ever, which checked in at 6 miles. And this was by far my most comfortable run. I came back so excited!!!! I tweeted and texted about it and put it on facebook, in addition to telling my hubby repeatedly (thanks to all who put up hearing about it and encouraged me). And I even felt good the next day, not overly sore.
Since that run, the weather has gone back to winter and I have returned to the treadmill. And while I am thrilled to be able to run regardless of what it is like outside, there is just not the same runners high from the treadmill. Ah well. April is almost here and with it comes spring and more consistently nice weather. And I am totally excited about that!
That’s a lovely story about running, you say. But the name of the post is Weight Loss Wednesday, you say. Ah yes. There’s the kicker. I exercised this week and really enjoyed that, but my body forgot to lose any weight this week…so this week I got a 0 pound change on the scale but a wonderful run, so overall I would say this week was a win!
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