Have you ever wished for anything as a mother? A maid, a chef, a personal shopper? Tonight I wished for a videographer.
Caitlyn and daddy had been humming a song today. Caitlyn remembered it was from the Muppets. Daddy asked me to search for it on You Tube. A little vague, but as we looked, he remembered, it was part of the original theme song.
Took a bit of looking, but then we found this fun:
And who could resist checking this out:
That led to clicking on this song:
And that’s when it became a dance fest in our house. (Caitlyn takes after her daddy for those who remember Disco Bob).
We also danced to some Macarena, which mommy does remember how to do, but it got a little difficult when Patrice wanted picked up.
There were several other dance tunes, to which we all had fun, and I wished for another person in my house to be our videographer, because tonight was something I need to see over and over. Tonight was fun we need to have more often. Tonight is what you fight for when all fight seems gone.
Thank you to those who are helping me fight. Thank you for carrying me right now as I search for my own fight.
Survive til you Thrive!
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