A Precious Moment

I really need to go to bed, but sometimes you realize a moment has arrived that needs to be shared…I realized that at the end of #ppdchat tonight.

Today is day three of feeling completely emotionally level.  I have not experienced feeling truly level and comfortable in my own skin since Patrice was born 22 months ago.

Me getting to revel in this precious moment is due to the hard work of so many.  My family, my twitter family, my wonderful care providers.  I wish I could name you all but I would miss someone.  I have been very blessed to have so many of you loving on me, praying for me, encouraging me when there was nothing left in me, when my entire being begged to escape the agony.  You didn’t let me, and for that I am grateful.

I know there will be days ahead, but I have right now, and it is precious, and nothing can ever take it away from me.  I will always have today to remind me of what me feels like.

Right now is good.  Thank you for helping me get back to being comfortable in my own skin.


Special love to mama Lauren who has led so many of us to a place of healing.  You have woven together an army of angels.  Remember we love you!


Survive til you Thrive!

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