Today, meaning Saturday, since it is now actually Sunday, was a great day. Well for me and the girls. Hubby is being knocked for a loop with a cold, but he holds his own with those. So, back to those of us who are healthy.
Thanks to my ongoing issues with insomnia, case in point, I am typing this at 3 am, my day started very early yesterday. By 5:30 I was sewing for Sue. She has been begging me for a neck pillow. She drives me crazy every time she sees them at the store. I keep explaining I have everything to make them, I just haven’t done it yet. Well I remedied that situation. I made hers completely and cut out the other two.
Then I headed off to donate blood. Even that went well. Next, was a couple pleasant errands (read, craft store). Finally, I made my way home where hubby had scrubbed and bleached the kitchen and bathroom. How can you go wrong with any of that?
Kids are kids, so there were whinings, time outs and moments of, well, just moments.
But the good outweighed ALL of the that.
Caitlyn and I made her a stress ball (sand in a balloon) and a birdseed wreath. She made a birdseed feeder as well.

And the leaves are still hanging out and BEAUTIFUL.

I even got a couple short naps. Yes, a couple. Donating blood drained me a bit. Bwhahaha.
The girls and I ended the day making banana bread. As a side note, I can’t find my recipe so used one with buttermilk in it. I’m not sold. Does anybody have just a straight, no bourbon, recipe they’d like to share?
Pinally, Patrice, Caitlyn and Sue went to bed VERY easily tonight. Patrice even put herself to bed.

I should feel fantabulous about this day. And I do, when I look at the pieces, but when I look at the whole, I feel a desperate need for affirmation as a mother. Why is that?
I have questions. Am I doing too much with/for my kids? Am I letting them use electronics too much? Am I pushing them too hard to clean their room? Do I compliment them too much/not enough? Should I be worried that Caitlyn wants a stress ball? Am I doing this right?