I am loving homeschooling. It has gotten even better over the last few days as my moods and reactions have come into submission.
But there are benefits to having had them in public school–specials days. They keep me apprised of when certain days are coming up: 100th Day of School, Dr. Seuss Birthday (tomorrow–to be celebrated throughout the month of March with National Reading Month), you get the picture. These special days help us interject some fun into our at-home routine.
I will admit, since my state does not require me to school a certain number of days, I have not kept track of what number day of school we are on, but I have been seeing pictures of kids on Facebook for their 100 day festivities. So, I declared this last Tuesday our 100th day.
We did special math assignments and reading assignments as well as crafts.
We guessed what 100 things each other brought to school, the girls did little speeches about what they would do with $100, we figured out 100 steps from our “classroom” gets us to the tree in front of our house and, we of course, made 100 day glasses. If Caitlyn had $100, she would buy 100 cakes and cookies, Sue would buy clothes for homeless people and give them money.
We had a great time!
P.S. Sue has a huge heart for the homeless community. She wants to give to people so badly. She has some Junie B Jones books that she is willing to part with in order to give money to people in the homeless community. Toward this end I have priced some at 1.50 each and others 2.00 each. Please let me know if you would be interested.
Survive til you Thrive!