Hope in a Computer #postpartumprogress10

Years have passed but I remember it like yesterday.  I can still smell the smells, feel the angst, drown in the anxiety, hear my blood beat in my ears.

I was back to work after an extended maternity leave.  Patrice was born in August.  I missed my first return to work date when I was hospitalized after taking my girls to my midwifes’ office and begging her to take them home and love them.

After my release, when the hospital provided no help, my midwife again stepped in and found me a doctor who specialized in postpartum mood disorders.  We were trying a myriad of medications.  With very limited success.

And here I was, searching desperately online to find out if there was any hope for me.  One of my searches landed me at Postpartum Progress.  Suddenly the words to describe what I was going through were in front of my face.  I eagerly devoured article after article, especially learning there was such a thing as Postpartum Anxiety!

I read and read, finding words I understood to describe the thoughts and feelings that had invaded me and changed me.

Katherine Stone, the force of nature behind Postpartum Progress, has helped me a great deal.  And I am not the only one who has found hope in their computer because of her.  This week we celebrate Katherine and the work she has been doing to help women and families everywhere for the last 10 years!!!

It is a worthy celebration.  Katherine started Postpartum Progress out of her own struggles with Postpartum Mood Disorders, but she is not resting on her laurels.  Her dream keeps growing, the help she gives knows no bounds.

For all she does and has done, I say Thank you Katherine.  Thank you for loving mamas and families so much.  Your work is amazing and beautiful.

My PPD baby almost 4 years later

My PPD baby almost 4 years later

Survive til you Thrive!

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