Some days even considering being brave is hard. But brave isn’t in the grandiose. It is in the simple, in the every day in the beauty.
Brave is:
Waking every day to do it all again
Taking the medications you hate to be the person you don’t recognize anymore
Stuffing down the rage to comfort your child over her boo boo
It is getting on the treadmill to run when you want to stew with your dismal thoughts
Listening to family disparage mental health and not coming unglued
Or coming unglued in such a way that you teach them something
Reaching out to those who will help you survive another hour
Watching funny YouTube videos in order to get the strength to go another round with your mind
Brave is in the little, it is in the every day
Know you are brave. Believe it. Embrace it
Survive til you Thrive!
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