A New Year. A New Me?

The last couple years have found me struggling to lose weight.  To no avail.  I have exercised.  And exercised.  And exercised.

Nothing has changed.  I have lost a few inches, but they come back lickety split, and no pounds leave.

I have heard before about medications, especially psychiatric meds, causing weight gain.  But I didn’t believe them.  Even when I was told particular meds might get me.  I saw that as an excuse that I wouldn’t need.

I was wrong.  I went off one of my medications, and started another one, and my appetite dropped in half.  Literally.  I went from eating foot long subs and still wanting to eat, to eating half of one and giving the rest to my daughter.  I am seeing this over and over.

The holidays came.  I ate more than I should, but still less than I was, but the pounds haven’t really moved, though there has been some inches lost.

I need more help.  I am doing better, but I can’t quite do this on my own.

I decided to look into a popular program that has worked for me in the past, but couldn’t quite swallow the cost–until I found out my insurance company will pay for  almost all of it!!

So here I am, all signed up and ready to go to my first meeting Monday night!  It will mean a change for me, and by extension my family, but I think it will be good.  We can all eat a little, or a lot, healthier Monday and every day!

Wish me luck!!

Survive til you Thrive!

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