A nibble here, a bite there can’t hurt, can it? Why yes, yes it can. As you may know from the world of dieting, it is important to keep track of everything that passes our lips. I have always struggled to count those, but lately those bits here and there have gotten me in trouble. Not on the scale, that is finally headed in the right direction (down 15 lbs), but in some health issues.
I know I have mentioned the low FODMAP diet before, but here it is again. I have had stomach issues for the last 15 years. I’ve tried medication. I’ve tried surgery. Nothing helped. And my small attempts at figuring it out via diet modification were unsuccessful. Well recently I figured out that sugar was a big issue, but I didn’t know which sugars it was exactly or how to figure out how to figure it out.
One day I was whining in my Facebook fitness group and a wonderful lady mentioned the low FODMAP diet. I tried really hard to brush it off. I didn’t want it to be an issue with my nutrition, but the next day was so bad pain and nausea wise, I knew I had to give this diet a chance. So, the next day, I did. And by that evening I felt quite a bit better…and each day that week was an improvement…I couldn’t argue with the evidence, it was apparent this was the answer to my 15 year journey.
And the beginning of the rest of my foreseeable future.
Foods are broken into low FODMAP (good) and high FODMAP (bad) groups. I depend on this list to guide me on this new road. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols, meaning short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols. That part doesn’t mean much to me, what does are my food lists. I have certain fruits I can have (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) and others I can not (apricots–still mourning that loss) among others. It is the same for veggies (green beans/carrots). Some cheeses are good, others are a total no. Wheat flour is not allowed, so add gluten as another consideration. Sugar is definitely the issue I thought it was. Garlic and onions are two others that are high on the list of no-nos.
All of it is a big adjustment. And honestly, I think I am doing okay with the adaptation. I have given up a lot of foods (don’t even talk to me about the pizza the rest of the family is having tonight) and started eating a lot more of others. I even had my doctor look over it to make sure it was not eliminating necessities. She was fine with the diet, just sad for me that avocado, mangoes, and garlic are on the don’t touch list. It is not sitting down and eating the wrong foods that get me in trouble, it’s the crumb here and the crumb there. I really am trying not to upend my entire family’s eating, so the forbidden foods are still around…and the Costco muffin crumbs are undoing me today. I don’t even like the muffins that much, but the kids keep leaving uneaten portions behind and it is so hard to outright throw the food away, but I am getting better at it.
I am thrilled with how much better I feel overall, but I am a slow learner. I have a couple good days and I think…eating this can’t make my stomach hurt that badly…and I am proven wrong again. Over and over. I feel bad for those friends and family members who keep listening to me say how I messed up again. But I keep trying and at least now there is less time whining about the pain and not knowing what is causing it.
There is also always the weight loss to make me smile. My wedding ring is now loose on my finger, my jeans are no longer tight, and I have lost an inch in my waist in just the last two weeks!
Bit by bit…progress is being made…
Survive til you Thrive!