Monthly Archives: November 2018


So earlier this week I blogged about losing hours to a migraine.  I actually fight quite a few headaches.  I’ve had sinus headaches since I was 6-years-old.  I remember laying in my bed holding a pillow around my head rolling around in pain.

It stunk.

There are worse things, but it stunk.

All these years later, the only thing that helps my headaches are excedrin, essential oils, and running.  But most of the time, that help is only marginal.  For the last couple years I have noticed I often wake up with a niggling headache and start each day fighting it from becoming a full blown jerk.  I have been assuming it is sinus crap.

Then tonight I clicked on a link about headaches in the morning.  The top reason they gave was high blood pressure.  I used to have fantastic blood pressure, but then I had pre-eclampsia when I was pregnant with my oldest.  It took it a while to come down after she was born, but then it did.  I went back to good blood pressure contrary to my grandma’s declaration that I was now going to have high blood pressure.  Unfortunately, it has just been erratic over the last few years.  My resting heart rate is fantastic, low, to mid 4os, but my blood pressure is always high at the doctor’s office.  Most of the time it is okay once I get home.

I don’t know why the change.  The weight I have gained?  Is it medication I am on?  Anxiety?  I exercise decently.  Right now I am in a funk, but most weeks I run 10 miles and walk in addition to that.  Hubby says I don’t exercise.  I am pretty sure he is just giving me crap.

I took it tonight and it is sky high.

Do I call the doctor or continue to let it slide?  Is Dr. Facebook as worthless as Dr. Google?


One on Top of the Other

I came home one night from one of Sue’s really long play practices and found Patrice busily building pyramid after pyramid out of playing cards.  She built a few in the kitchen and a couple in the living room.

I’ve never tried to build a single one because I was afraid I would knock it over.

My kids are smarter than me.

Losing Hours

I’ve had a headache since Sunday.  Which isn’t abnormal.  I have a headache most Sunday mornings.  Just ask my daughter, “you have a headache every Sunday.”  I don’t quite but she’s not terribly wrong.  I’d go into some theology thoughts on why I think Sundays are an issue, but I still have a headache and it hurts too much to think right now.

It actually went away for a few hours yesterday.  I thought I was in the clear.  But this morning, it was there pushing at the edges of my head.  Growing until this afternoon when it hit migraine status.  I ditched all plans for reading, exercising, praying, studying and crawled into bed.  I slept for almost 4 hours.

I am terribly sad to say it is still there.  It is causing tears to run down my face right now.  On the bright side, my stomach is now killing me which may mean it is becoming an abdominal migraine.  Those suckers hurt for an hour or so but then they are gone and typically take the head migraine with them.

Some days I feel old, but those stupid abdominal migraines are a childhood illness so that must mean I am still a kid, right?

So why am I sitting here at the computer blathering on about headaches?  Because I finally blogged a few days in a row and I didn’t want to stop and hit writer’s block again.  So here I am, wasting the minutes of your day talking about headaches.

Here’s a fun picture to thank you for your time.

Well, there would be a picture, but after 4 tries, I am taking my headache back to bed.  Sorry ’bout that folks.

I Figured Out the Secret

Half Marathon #1.

I was dead last.

Half Marathon #2

I was dead last.

Half Marathon #3

There were over 1,000 people behind me.

The secret?

Run in really big races!!!!

I have the signup date for the next one on my calendar.  It is a smallish race, so I might be last, but in all honesty, I like to do interesting races.  If that makes sense.

I have done a race across the Mackinac Bridge, I did one on Woodward Avenue, a Turkey Trot, one where you got a cinnamon roll at the end, the Detroit half you run over the bridge into Canada and through the tunnel back to the USA.

My hubby is always interested in what the Charity organizations are that benefit from the races.  One of the few repeats I do is one that raises money for suicide prevention (  When I ran the Detroit Half I raised money for Samaritas (

This next half I am hoping to get a spot in is back in the area I grew up.  I am hoping to be there so my family can see me finish–though I am also slow so I hate to have them waiting for three hours, but we’ll see what happens.

Well, it is time for me to stop telling you about running and get out there to, well, run!!

My Lessons

Well, my journey with Arabic lessons continues.  I completed the first 8 weeks and was allowed to move on to the next class.

Making the genders of words agree just might kill me, but I am trying.  Like today I typed sani waahid (one year) except that in order for genders to match it needs to be sani waahidi.  Sani (year) is feminine so the adjective waahid (one) must also be feminine.  Wahid is masculine, so I need to change it so sani waahidi.  So close yet so far away.

Dag nabit!!

But yesterday I had a couple of big wins.

I was looking at my purse, full of junk and trying to figure out how I would conjugate that correctly.  The word for purse would be santa or because mine is big and heavy you could add kibiir for big purse.  But if I want to say my big purse santii kibiirii because adding the long e sound (ii) to the end of a word makes it the possessive pronoun my.  And I figured that out and remembered I had to change BOTH to make it correct!!!!!  I threw a little party for myself when my friend confirmed I had done it correctly.

Then, later, she told me saha (it is said like cheers when eating or like bless you when someone sneezes).  The correct answer is 3ala qalbik.    It means on your heart (isn’t that beautiful?).  Suddenly, I looked at it and realized that 3ala means on and the ik means your feminine so qalb must mean heart.  I messaged my friend again and asked her if I had that figured out right and she confirmed I DID!!!!!!

That still has me sooooooooo excited I can’t even tell you.  So excited.  I went bananas.  I ran into the living room where my family was watching tv and interrupted them to yell about how I had figured out a word and how I did it and how cool and how smart I felt and how maybe I could do this language thing and…

Yeah, I went crazy.

This journey is hard but oh man it is rewarding…

Can you remind me of that next time I am whining about trying to learn this and how I will never get the hang of it?

Ups and Downs

So less than a month ago I had probably my best run ever when I completed the Detroit International Half Marathon.  It was emotionally,  mentally, and physically the most rewarding running experience I have had.

And yet, Today, on November 11, I have run exactly 3 times since.  The first week was to rest and let my body recover, but since then, I can find a billion other things to do and even when I have a nice chunk of time to run–I don’t wanna.

I don’t wanna deal with those first minutes of running in the cold.  I don’t wanna pull out the layers to get dressed to run.  I don’t wanna have to take a shower afterward because I am all sweaty.  I don’t wanna.

This is not a new phenomenon.  It has happened before, but I thought this time I had learned my lesson, I would not slack off…but here I am blogging instead of getting my butt out there.  So soon, my daylight will be gone and I will have to run inside, so then I will whine about how much I hate running on the treadmill.

Yes, I have a headache, I might very well have one all week thanks to this grey, sinus aggravating weather, but the thing is, I know after a few minutes out there, the extra blood flow will give me a break from my headache.

I even have an audiobook I would love to listen to and lots of Arabic words to practice.

I really need to just get out there.


