Category Archives: #nablopomo

Not a Runner’s Blog

I have a race tomorrow.  My first race since the half marathon in September.  Tomorrow’s race is a 5k–3.1 miles.  The distance is not a worry at all, and yet, I still have nerves.

Will I get up in time?  Will I find where they want me to park?  Will I remember my shoes?  Weird angst.

I’ve had some frustration all day.  I don’t know which came first, the all day nerves, or the running a race tomorrow nerves.


Here I am again, going on about running.  While asserting this is not a runner’s blog.  It’s not…I just so happens that running is the way I deal with most of life.

I have this thing I do in life where I see something, perceive that it is a good idea, take the leap, and then freak out about it.

Over and over and over and over again.

And here I am in freak out zone again.

Not really about the zoo race.  I don’t think.  Though my nerves are pretty wound up about that.  It is more about various projects I have going on.

I am actually done Christmas shopping for my girls.  Earliest ever!!  But I have taken on helping another family put together a Christmas for their family.  I sort of have things organized but I don’t trust the organization I have done, so I fret.  A lot.  Like feel like I can’t breathe fret.  Sit in my car trembling fret.  I don’t want to let my friend down and disappoint her kids.  It just has to work out.

Yeah, more than a little stressed.

In all of this I am trying to ignore the fact that my second born is turning 10 Tuesday.  She is such a little peanut.  She’s my little girl that yearns to be so big, so independent, and yet just wants time to be hugged and loved by mommy.

I had decided yesterday there was nothing worth getting up for on Black Friday.  And then a little voice asked from the back of the car, “Mommy, where are you going for Black Friday?  I think it would be so fun.”  She was so eager, I found myself checking ads again and setting my alarm for 5:15 this morning.  I half expected her to ignore me when I came down to wake her up, but no, she pretty much bounced up, wide awake.

So out we headed.  We purchased a few items at our first stop, a few more at our second stop, then a yummy treat, a few more items at our third store, and one more yummy treat.  During that second treat stop I was making an on-line purchase and was pretty intent on what I was doing, next thing I know, she is on my side of the table cuddled up next to me.  And I was reminded how important this one-on-one time is to my middle child…as I listened to her plan our Black Friday trip for next year!

No stores kept in the black from our little purchases, but we made a memory and that’s, as they say, priceless.  Oh my gosh you guys, that line I just wrote sounds so cheesy, but there are tears in my eyes when I think about how much this morning meant to my little peanut and I.  And how I almost missed it.

You guys, I don’t know how to sort it all out.  So I guess I am here writing it out trying to understand  my emotions and why I get so dang wrapped up in certain thoughts, why I can’t just shrug them off.


So there you go, a glimpse into how my brain is working, or not working, as of late.  I’d talk about the really cool fact that I signed up for my 2nd half marathon, but I better not, since this isn’t a runner’s blog.  I’ll just sit here amazed that I will run my SECOND half marathon a week after I turn 43. Nope, I won’t mention that.


Thanksgiving is coming up.

Fifteen years ago, on Thanksgiving I met my future husband’s family for the first time.  I had just gotten out of the hospital from another round of steroids to treat the Multiple Sclerosis.  My face was extra round from the mediation.  My body was weak and my sleep was messed up.

I was in no shape to meet anybody,  but thanks to my mom making the trip down and helping in so many ways, I arrived at my future sister-in-laws, dressed, upright, and bearing a homemade apple pie.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a jerk.  It makes life unpredictable and hard.  The illness takes abilities and strengths.  It cuts you off from people.

I am ever so thankful that a few years after that first Thanksgiving, the MS went into remission.  And has stayed there for 12 years.

Unfortunately, that health challenge got replaced with Bipolar Disorder 7 years ago.  And the Bipolar is a jerk.  It is.  But you know what, I think I prefer it over the MS.

I made a mistake with my medication yesterday and it caused a day that felt like the MS (at least I think that is what happened).  And it was the pits.  I dropped something out in public and fell in front of my daughter when I tried to pick it up.  I was so weak I had to lean against things to sit up.  And oh how I needed to sleep.

It was the pits.  And it was scary.  And I hated it.

Today I feel better.  Not perfect, but better.  I may approach the doctor about changing this med and I put my meds in a granny pill sorter so I can’t make that mistake again.

But it reminded me, I prefer dealing with the Bipolar Disorder over the MS.

Writing MoJo

So every November there is a challenge to write every day, whether that is in completing a novel or blogging every day.  I have decided to try to blog every day in November.

And my mind is blank.

I had a post in mind, even written in my mind but now it is gone.

I am not one to write much about current events.  I’m actually in good shape concerning my mental health.  I haven’t been running much.  I seem to have lost my running mojo and my writing mojo.


Life is incredibly good.  And busy.  So very busy.

I have three kids, each in their own activities.  I am trying to get back to running.  I am trying to lose a number of pounds by tracking my calories.  My house needs a lot of TLC and cleaning.  I recently got frustrated with my lack of real cooking so have been attempting to make at least one meal per week from scratch.  I have dreams of getting all loads of laundry into the dryer before they have to be rewashed…but let’s not get crazy here folks.


Tonight’s dinner was pot roast


Running my first half marathon

Patrice is amazingly strong in gymnastics

Caitlyn is totally into the rock painting craze

Decked out in my Candy Corn shirt

Second year of cross country

Learning how to make kuba with new friends

Hanging out at a corn maze for a friends birthday shindig

And Sue is in A Christmas Carol so rehearsals are ramping up.  In between we do our schooling, church activities, and spent time with friends!!

Life is never dull moment around here!


Exercise Antidepressants

All to the Glory of God–that is why I blog and share my story so openly.  I want others to know it is possible to live and parent well with mental illness.  This, by necessity, causes my posts to be brutally honest, and that is not always pretty.
I have always endeavored to live by the verse 2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

I take a handful of medications, including antidepressants, a couple times a day to keep the Bipolar Disorder at bay.  It works, but not alone.  Taking medication is not all I do to stay healthy.

Staying healthy is truly a full-time job for me.  It requires prayer, doctor appointments, talking to others to keep me grounded, using a vast array of skills to control anxiety, essential oils, staying away from triggering situations, and exercise.

Exercise is a huge part of it.  There is no denying that, but just like the medication can’t fix me without other tools, neither can exercise.

That brings me to a radio commercial that  In this commercial the person announces  how working out 3 times a week is the equivalent of an antidepressant, so to sign up for that yoga class and get sweaty.

Yeah, no.  Exercise will never equal an antidepressant for people who need to be on an antidepressant.  It just won’t.  And insinuating, or flat out saying, that it will is just irresponsible.

There is a stigma around mental illness.  There is a stigma around taking medications for  mental illness.  It helps no one to say they just need to do some yoga and get nice and sweaty.

This time of year can be hard for a lot of people.  There are natural triggers, like the lack of sunlight due to shorter days, there are social triggers, such as family stressors.  It can be a rough time.  And what people need right now is honesty.

Honesty sometimes means saying the hard things, like, “have you considered talking to your doctor about some options to help you?”  That’s not easy to say.  It’s not exactly easy to hear, but, that…that is love.


Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue

Today, my middle one turns 9.

She is sweet.

She is spunky (why did you punch your sister last night?)

She is smart.

She is confident.

She is all that and so much more!

Happy Birthday!

2013-10-29 20.43.35 2012-07-13 17.55.06 2012-07-15 23.17.35 2012-07-28 01.17.14 2012-09-21 21.31.46 2012-11-30 21.45.34 2013-02-09 10.21.50 2013-03-01 19.22.31 2013-05-04 21.32.27 2013-06-06 16.16.57 2013-06-30 16.20.29 2013-07-04 21.04.42 2013-08-29 13.22.37 2013-10-05 16.48.16 2016-08-05 12.13.12 2014-06-17 20.53.51 2014-06-17 20.58.49 2014-06-20 12.44.12 2014-06-26 16.17.44 2014-07-24 15.56.39 2014-09-07 14.40.31 2015-11-26 17.20.37 2016-02-10 11.19.48 2016-07-09 11.03.16

Our Gobble Greeting

A Little More Grown Up

The year I turned 9, my mom and dad took my downtown to get my ears pierced.  I hadn’t asked yet, but my mom figured it was coming and headed it off at the pass.  After the first ear, they offered to let me come back another time to get the second ear done.  I don’t know if that was their standard procedure with kids or I winced really bad, what I do remember is my mom leaning over and whispering in my ear, “you better get that second one done now.  Your dad is NOT going to want to come back a second time.”  Now, in their defense, the ear piercing place was a 45-minute drive one-way from our house.

I got that second ear pierced that night.

Last year, I found myself with a 9-year-old daughter begging to get her ears pierced.  I also found myself looking at her and saying, “if we go, you better get both done because I do NOT want to go back a second time”…and the ear piercing place is only about 15 minutes from our house.

Caitlyn got them both done that day.  And impatiently waited 8 weeks to be able to take her starter earrings out.

Today found me with an almost 9-year-old (Monday) sitting in the same chair to get her ears pierced.  2016-11-23 16.12.16

There was no need to remind her I wasn’t coming back a second time to get the second ear pierced.  I’ve never seen anyone so excited to have pain inflicted on their head!

2016-11-23 16.15.03 2016-11-23 16.15.45 2016-11-23 16.15.57

And in the last year, things have changed.  Due to upgrades in the cleaning solution they give you, she only has to keep in her starter earrings for 3 weeks, rather than 8.  Here’s hoping she gets some earrings for Christmas 😉

There is a Flock of Turkeys in my House

2016-11-22 16.14.39

I set the girls with a project to do today in preparation for Thanksgiving

2016-11-22 16.14.45

and the 23 people my SIL will host at her house.

2016-11-22 16.14.50 2016-11-22 16.14.56 2016-11-22 16.47.49

To make these into 23 turkeys!!

2016-11-22 16.56.44 2016-11-22 16.56.54 2016-11-22 16.57.01 2016-11-22 16.58.09 2016-11-22 16.58.20 2016-11-22 17.07.43 2016-11-22 17.12.54 2016-11-22 17.25.05

Caitlyn kept tally of all the parts and pieces the girls needed to cut out to make our cute little buddies and they all assembled the little gobblers!

2016-11-22 17.35.32

2016-11-22 17.44.18

Memories Fond Memories

Memories come up when you least expect them.  Sometimes it is nice to just hang on to them.

Today had a few of those moments.

My Caitlyn is 10 and growing like a weed. She only has about an inch to go before she is my height.  She is perfect and beautiful, I just can’t believe how tall she is.  When she was 9 months old one doctor diagnosed her with failure to thrive.  I’d say we have that issue licked 😉  Today she found a jacket shirt she liked at the store and decided to use some money she had saved from her birthday to buy it.  The size she chose?  a women’s medium.  Now, it is big on her, as daddy pointed out when I was lamenting her growing up too quickly, but still, she is comfortable in a women’s medium.  I am in a women’s medium–it’s not loose on me, but it fits.

2016-11-05 11.11.51

I remember like it was yesterday, holding a friend’s new baby and whispering to the baby, “my hubby  and I are hoping to have a baby like you some day.”  A little over a week later we found out Caitlyn was coming.

Another friend brought home a new baby this weekend.  Chatting with her got me thinking about that first night home with Caitlyn.  She had slept so well in the hospital.  Nobody warned me they don’t sleep the first night home.  I remember being blurry-eyed from sleep, not knowing what to do for my new bundle.  Finally I decided to sing her a song I have been singing my whole like.  I knew the words, but could not come up with the tune to save my life…so I made one up!

Little Day in a Big Way

Two days ago, it was 70 degrees.  Today it was 33 degrees.  That’s Michigan in a nutshell.

It comes with the territory, but that doesn’t make the first few days any easier.  Our winter coats were actually all ready to go, but when it came time to get ready for church…my typical clothing choices were not in line with the thermometer.  The hunt was on.

I really wanted to wear dress slacks, but nothing I had in my closet would fit.  I’ve hated the clothing size I am in so much that I refused to get any church pants that fit me.

I started tossing all of my slacks on the bed, but for some reason I thought I would try them–a size smaller than I have worn in 5 years, but heck, what have I got to lose?

And guess what, those suckers FIT.

2016-11-20 08.57.12

Then Patrice had to join me.

2016-11-20 09.31.18

I haven’t lost weight in months, but apparently the exercise I have been doing is paying off regardless.  So, after church today, I headed out for a run.

2016-11-20 15.57.12

I actually had two shirts on and a headband over my ears.  Running in the cold is more mental than anything.  It is cold for about the first 3/4 of a mile and then it is no biggy.  There were some gusts of wind that reminded me this wasn’t an easy fall run, but overall, 33 degrees is actually nice for running.

I ran about 3.25  miles but I just couldn’t stop there.  I walked around the church while the girls were in Bible Club.  That got me to 21,000 steps and just over 9 miles.  And I still couldn’t stop.  Once we got home I hit the treadmill to get to 10 miles and 25,000 steps for the day.

2016-11-20 21.08.48

It has been a great exercise day.  My legs are tired right now, but I can’t wait to see how much I can do tomorrow.

Nothing like a smaller size to motivate somebody to get back at it!!