As you may know, I have been trying a few different things to lose the weight I gained with Miss Patrice. I want to do it wisely and safely for nursing the baby, but I also want to see enough progress to keep me motivated.
I started on a points plan, but have realized there is just too much going on in my life to be keeping track of each bite. So what to do? Then I looked into doing an elimination diet to see if getting rid of some things would help me overcome my postpartum anxiety. I read up on one of the right carb diets and was ready to start it, but then had a really rough week with the postpartum issues and felt totally overwhelmed at any type of diet plan.
But even in my antsiness, I noticed I was reading about the need to get rid of sugar from a number or sources, for a number of reasons. Over and over I heard the same message…get rid of the sugar foods.
So I decided to take the plunge. It has now been 72+ hours since I last had sugary food. I am not restricting my diet in other ways; this just seemed to be the message I kept hearing.
That got me to thinking…
How much does God care about our health? How much does he care about our diet? I know there are scriptures about gluttony, “Don’t drink too much wine or eat too much food” Proverbs 23:20 and I have always been taught that 1 Corinthians 6:19a teaches we are to take care of our bodies, “You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you…”
But what does that mean? Does it mean eating is sin? Does it mean not exercising is sin? I don’t know. But I am getting the message that God wants me to pray about my health. Not just, “Please Lord, let me lose some weight this week.” I am thinking more along the lines of offering Him what I eat or how much I exercise and see where He leads it. Offering Him how much I want to eat the chocolate candies in the trail mix and checking my desires against His will for my health.
For right now, that means taking the junk food out of my diet. That has been impressed upon me from several directions, including this post. Where will it take me? Physically, I pray it will help with my weight. Emotionally, I pray it will help with my anxiety. Spiritually, I pray it will teach me more about obedience to Him in my life.
What has you thinking? Share it here.