Summer Sweetness for Multitude Mondays 141-147

Miss Patrice is getting more mobile every day.  This weekend she walked along a toy to get to the other side.

This toy, to be exact, but obviously not in that location.  She loves this toy so much it has migrated to the living room so she can have fun with it more often. 

But she sure does love her sister’s room.

She would play in there all the time if you let her…well there, and the bathroom!  She loves playing in the bathroom, so the other day I thought, well I can at least tell her what the potty is for…so I explained that when she is a big girl…yes, I think I just admitted to starting potty training with my 11 month old.  A mama can dream, right?

But in all honesty, I am in no rush to see her grow up. I love my baby girl.  I can not truly fathom Caitlyn will be 5 in 2 sleeps and wake ups, or that Patrice will be 1 in 6 sleeps and wake ups.  It hurts this mama’s heart while also making me so proud to see my girls.  Ahh, the tug of war in a mama heart!

141.  Strong healthy girls
142.  Memories of pregnancy, murmured in, 5 years ago today I was, 1 year ago today I was…
143.  A spontaneous dinner with a crazy busy friend last Friday
144.  My husband working so hard to get our rental home ready
145.  New tenants the Lord brought us for the home, may it truly become their home for as long as they are here
146.  Lovely cyberworld friends who reached out so many times over the last few days
147.  Fellowshiping at church while I held my baby I was too heartbroken to leave in nursery
Won’t you join in giving thanks…
Survive til you Thrive!

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