Oval Meatloaf

Mommy's cooking???

We had about two pounds of hamburger needing used tonight.  So I thought I would try a meatloaf.  I typically hate the stuff so rarely make it, but this one has promise.

I used:

  1. 2 lbs. hamburger
  2. 2 eggs
  3. 2 slices crumbled bread
  4. 8 big squirts of ketchup
  5. healthy dose of onion salt, table salt and pepper
  6. 1 cup milk

Mix all ingredients.  Shaped into an oval baking pan, mixed equal parts ketchup and bbq sauce and spread as a topping, baked at 350 degrees F for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

I didn’t get a final picture, but it was yummy!

Survive til you Thrive!

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