I have packed on a lot of pounds.
I could list off so many excuses. And I will concede to one. Some of the psychiatric medications I was on caused hunger. I didn’t believe it was the meds, but I recently went off depakote and was shocked at how much my appetite immediately decreased. I dropped 3 lbs.
I have a lot more of than that to lose. Like 15 times that.
I hate how I look. I hate how I feel in this body. It preys on my mind. I feel horrible about myself.
And as I mentioned to a friend and my hubby, the worst part of feeling fat and ugly as a parent is the guilt over how you are teaching your children to eat, so now you feel fat, ugly and guilty.
So far my girls are all very healthy and strong, but if my eating is making me fat, what will it eventually do to them? I can’t face doing that to them.
The time to change is now.
I have successfully lost weight on weight watchers twice. The second time I added a lot of exercise and it was phenomenal.
So I got back on the treadmill yesterday and today. Now on to the food. The best part of weight watchers is the fact that fruits and veggies are not restricted and there is a huge proliferation of recipes to be had.
Here we go.
I have started a pinterest board with recipes that look good, I am exercising and using the fooducate application on my phone to try and make good choices.
This is my before…
Please pray, wish good luck to us as we undertake this overhaul. It will truly be a big change, especially for my picky eaters–Sue and Patrice. I know they won’t like it, but I have battled my weight since fifth grade and I just can’t set them up to do the same. I have to be strong and smart for my girls.
(They weren’t that in to getting their picture taken. Sigh)
Now off to more menu planning and cleaning this house…anybody want to come over and help with that cleaning part so I can continue to obsess over eating choices??? Anyone…at all???
Survive til you Thrive!
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