This could be one of those posts about how all you need is Jesus to get rid of your social anxiety. But it’s not. Because I don’t believe that social anxiety is “just” a spiritual issue. I also don’t believe it is just a medical issue. I believe it is a little bit of both, and as such, needs both Jesus and medication for proper treatment.
But then what I think gets a little murky. And I just realized tonight, why.
So, if my social anxiety needs Jesus to be part of the treatment equation, what do I do when that social anxiety keeps me from Jesus? Yup. It keeps me from Jesus, because I have social anxiety when it comes to Jesus.
I love to pray. I always have. It has always made sense to me. It brings me a lot of comfort to pray. I love to pray about the struggles of life and the joys of life.
But sometimes I just can’t pray. Like tonight. I was so excited about tonight. I was going to have the house to myself for a little bit and I was going to be able to sit down and pray and just enjoy it and immerse myself in the time. But then the social anxiety came up. Every half minute my praying was being interrupted by me–“Am I doing this right Jesus?” “Am I talking too much Jesus?” “How do I shut up and let you talk, Jesus?”
“Am I doing this right Jesus?” “Am I talking too much Jesus?” “How do I shut up and let you talk, Jesus?”
“Am I talking too much Jesus?” “How do I shut up and let you talk, Jesus?”
“How do I shut up and let you talk, Jesus?”
And I just didn’t make it very far. I got myself too confused and worked up. I ended up just falling back on a basic, standard prayer, with none of the fellowship, none of the comfort, none of the joy.
Social Anxiety and Jesus at its finest.
Survive til you Thrive!