Category Archives: 40 bags

40 Bags

Last year I joined a declutter challenge (remember this post).  The goal was 40 bags of stuff out of my house in 40 days.  I did great the first several weeks and then went out of town.  And I got lost in the project.  I slowly got it sorted out again and decided NOT to give up.

Instead, I made it a year long project.  I kept my sticker chart and gave myself a sticker every time a sizeable item, bag or box left my house.  I made it to 100 stickers!!!!  Unfortunately, I was a bad blogger and didn’t take a picture.  I tried to dig it out of the garbage, yup, but it was too deep.  too gross to keep going.

In my overly filled chart from last year, there is a new sheet and a sticker already!!!!!!!  And I have a box ready to go Thursday.  I feel like a decluttering rock star.

2015-01-03 13.27.25

The bottom there is the website that hosted it last year.  I am not sure what her plans are this year:
