I am getting back into the swing of things. I am working on coming out of a turtle time in life…you know, those times you just don’t want to communicate as much as you normally do. And I am coming out just in time to enjoy Indian Summer. It is supposed to be 65 degrees today. If Sue would get dressed, we would be outside right now, but she doesn’t seem interested.
While hanging out in my shell, I made a couple photo books of my girls. I got a great deal on one from Shutterfly, so I made one for me to take to work when I go back. Then Snapfish had a great deal, buy 1, get 2 free; I made one for me and two of my family members will get one for Christmas. I love Snapfish. They ship super quick and I love the option of pre-buying my photo prints. Do you have a favorite photo website?
Here is one photo that made it into both photo books. Way too cute to leave out! |
The girls and I went shopping the other day. I had a gift card and coupon for Macy’s. They had a great sale and the jeans that fit me, so off we went. I got a shirt and jeans for under $25 at Macy’s. Yup, you read that right! Anyway, as we were leaving, Caitlyn said, “I thought you were going to take us to JC Moneys!” Can you guess the moneys are kids get the most often–pennies!!!! See how that worked in a 4 year olds brain?
Yesterday I was starting a sewing project. Caitlyn was visiting with me as I pinned out the pattern.
She says, “I wish you could sew something for Patrice and the three boys.”
“What 3 boys?” I asked.
“The 3 brothers I want,” she said.
“Umm, 3 at once?”
“Well babies usually come 1 at a time, sometimes 2, but not very often 3.”
“Oh. Well I prayed and asked Jesus for them.”
“Umm, sometimes Jesus says yes, sometimes He says no, sometimes He says wait.”
Caitlyn is quiet for a short minute…then…
“I asked Jesus and He said Yes!”
Mama is thinking she needs to ask Jesus about this…

The other day the girls and I went to our local Farmers Market. I have lived here over 6 years now and just went this weekend. Yes, I know it is the end of the season, but ours is open year round and I did get some yummies. My midwife passed on her mom’s acorn squash recipe. It was yummy. I had never had, nor cooked it before. It was yummy, I also got a sweet dumpling squash (daughter loved it, mama and daddy, not so much). And if you are wondering, purple cauliflower turns the water purple when you steam it. It tastes great. Tonight we are going to have acorn squash soup. Wish me luck with that recipe.
I have a burning question…why will my daughter listen to what someone else tells her, but when daddy or I tell her something, it takes a million tellings to sink in? Remember this post about Caitlyn’s first trip to the dentist? At that visit, the hygentist told her not to eat sticky candy, like fruit chewies. The child has not touched them since, not even once. And she often asks me if the dentist said she can eat something or not. How do they have so much power and where do I get it? Caitlyn went for her latest check up last week. All is well!
So do you love my new website colors and design? My wonderful friend, Lori over at Dollyoutfitters did the lovely makeover. To celebrate, I am going to host my very first giveaway soon…be watching for my blog post about sewing…