Category Archives: photos

Want To See A Show…

2014-12-08 15.23.01 2014-12-08 15.23.17 2014-12-08 15.24.10 2014-12-08 15.25.02 2014-12-08 15.25.04 2014-12-08 15.26.00 2014-12-08 15.26.41

A Splash of Homeschool Cute

2014-11-18 09.52.29

Patrice does her first Phonics work with Caitlyn.  She has started book A of Explode the Code

2014-11-18 09.52.44 2014-11-18 10.18.46-1 2014-11-18 11.11.31

And kitties came to school today

2014-11-18 11.24.37

A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words

2014-11-16 12.25.20 2014-11-16 12.25.07

And these two are worth a million.  Sue said, “mommy, can I eat this warhead?”  “Sure, if you can stand it, you can eat it.”  This was her priceless face.

The warhead is now floating in a cup of water and has lost all it’s color except one dot.  It looks like a floating eye.




Some Days You Just Need Cute

I have been getting progressively sicker all week.  It’s been a ton of fun.  So last night around 1 am, I took some cough medicine.  I came back up to bed and hubby says, “did you take the day or night?”  Yeah.  I had taken day.  I slept very little.

Today has been a lost day for me.  I loaded and ran the dishwasher today.  That’s it.  Thankfully thee girls could get themselves sandwiches and daddy handled dinner.  Hubby also brought me the right other the counter stuff and it is helping.  There is hope.

But I don’t have very many coherent thoughts today, so you just get a dose of cute!

2014-11-05 09.53.10 2014-11-05 10.27.34 - Copy 2014-09-26 17.32.31 - Copy 2014-10-28 00.38.56 - Copy

Angst or Photos

Part of me wants to tell you about the spiral into depression that has become a free fall.  I’d like to believe, admitting to it and talking about it would make it go away.  But it won’t.  It will just remind you this is the depressed girls’ blog.

I won’t tell you how my mind is telling me I can’t do another round of this battle.  I won’t tell you how I had to really think about my answer when my therapist asked me if I was having suicidal thoughts.  I won’t tell  you how heavy tomorrow already feels.

Instead, I will show you my cute kids.  God gave them to me for many reasons, but most of all so you wouldn’t have to sit here and read post after post from the depressed girl.

2014-10-11 10.37.28 2014-10-11 10.48.15 2014-10-12 09.10.59 2014-10-12 15.56.45 2014-10-15 17.42.17

Aren’t you glad I chose photos over angst?



Funky Donkey Head

All of my girls are funny, all of them make laugh no matter how deep the pit I am in.  But one, one really shines through as my silly girl–Patrice.

Patrice loves to play and pretend (I get yelled at often for saying something to her because she was talking to Elmo, not me).  And she loves to play with words.  For weeks everybody was either a Funky Donkey or a Funky Donkey Head.  Now, everybody and everything is Banana Pants.

I love it.  And I love her posing for pictures.

2014-09-30 18.01.57 2014-09-30 18.02.10 2014-09-30 18.02.14 2014-09-30 18.13.55 2014-09-30 18.14.00

You are welcome for the big ole dose of cute!!

Zipping Along

The last few days have been fun summer days. We went to a community program that included a kids concert, sliding down hills on huge slip and slides. There was also a fire truck misting the kids. Caitlyn and Sue loved it. Patrice tried about a dozen times to get in there, but it was just a little too chilly. Caitlyn and Sue walked down an area of the creek while Sue threw rocks into the creek.

We also made a family trip to a nearby park. Daddy can reach the “zip” line so Caitlyn and Patrice went over and over. Our days aren’t always perfect, but all of them are perfectly ours.


2014-07-02 12.18.25

2014-07-02 12.25.21 2014-07-02 12.43.54 2014-07-02 12.48.54 2014-07-02 13.08.59 2014-07-02 13.10.00 2014-07-02 13.14.17 2014-07-02 13.17.05 2014-07-02 14.07.02 2014-07-02 14.07.08 2014-07-03 20.08.46 2014-07-03 20.08.50 2014-07-03 20.09.13 2014-07-03 20.09.15 2014-07-03 20.10.12 2014-07-03 20.10.16 2014-07-03 20.10.33

My Heart and Joy

Here is a collection of the fun around here this week.

2014-04-01 11.22.17 2014-04-02 08.51.01

See Sue’s pretty Lilla Rose clip?  I have a friend who sells them.  They are so pretty, come in lots of sizes and designs.  Let me know if you would like me to put you in touch with my friend who sells them.

2014-04-02 13.10.20 2014-04-02 13.26.54 2014-04-02 14.30.51 2014-04-02 14.33.01 2014-04-02 14.33.05 2014-04-02 15.50.28 2014-04-02 19.38.26 2014-04-02 19.54.51 2014-04-03 19.46.14 2014-04-03 19.46.23 2014-04-04 09.03.58

Are you blogger that would help promote suicide prevention?  Order one of these great shirts from Cristi.

2014-04-04 14.46.22 2014-04-04 14.46.30 2014-04-04 14.47.31


We had lots of fun with mega blocks, bounce house, pretty hair and playing outside this week.

Photo Bombed

I was just scrolling through my phone because it was so full I couldn’t take any more pictures.  And oh the cuteness I found.  You’ve been warned.

You shall be Photo Bombed.

2013-12-15 14.33.40 2013-12-15 14.33.56 2013-12-16 13.53.07 2013-12-16 13.53.30 2013-12-27 10.33.59

Trekking outside with daddy.  They even walked on the frozen lake!

2014-01-08 13.12.54

The frozen water balloons we made during the last, or was it the one before that, deep freeze.

2014-01-08 14.01.45

Getting started on our solar system lap book.

2014-01-08 16.32.44 2014-01-08 16.34.52

Doing exercise with daddy.

2014-01-10 13.48.28

Gym time at Fun Friday

2014-01-17 22.25.11 2014-01-19 15.48.49

My candy corn bracelet by the talented Caitlyn

2014-01-19 17.41.18

Getting ready for the AWANA Grand Prix.  Caitlyn had 2 second place finishes and two first place finishes.  Sue had 1 second place finish and 3 first place finishes.

2014-01-19 17.41.33 2014-01-20 15.39.32 2014-01-23 19.34.34 2014-01-23 19.34.43

Doing bubbles in the bathroom on a cold, cold night.

2014-01-23 19.34.49 2014-01-24 11.17.03

Learning how to add money

2014-01-24 11.17.12

Peeps math, so of course, we ate Valentine’s Day Peeps.

2014-01-24 11.17.23


And salt writing

Look at all the fun we’ve had.  May these be the times we remember as the days go by.

The Pumpkins are Sat Around the Porch With Care In Hopes Candy Would Soon Be There

I am returning to a link up I have not done in a while, the phone photos.  I used to have to search for photos to use for these link ups, but since I got my iPhone, I’ll freely admit, I never use the point and shoot.  My phone does a better job.
Last night was pumpkin carving night.  This year, all of the girls were old enough to work on theirs.  Daddy was definitely there and helped, but each did some solo.
2013-10-29 19.54.07 2013-10-29 20.08.07 2013-10-29 20.17.57 2013-10-29 20.20.24 2013-10-29 20.21.07 2013-10-29 20.23.58 2013-10-29 20.32.20 2013-10-29 20.36.46 2013-10-29 20.40.13
I might have seen this pin on Pinterest so hubby, and girls, made it happen.
2013-10-29 20.43.07 2013-10-29 20.44.15 2013-10-29 20.44.40 2013-10-29 20.46.26
The girls were heavily supervised even where you don’t see it.
2013-10-29 20.52.14
We had a lot of fun with pumpkin carving this year.  Though I forgot to read them the Pumpkin Carving Gospel.  We might have to do one more pumpkin tonight as part of our devotions.
How are your Halloween or Harvest time preparations coming?  Are you tackling it tonight or has it been done for a while?  I’d love to hear about it.