Am I a hypocrite? As a human, yes, I am sure I am. But right now I have two specific situations rolling around in my brain.
Let’s start with the most recent issue. As we all know, the Presidential election is heated this year. It seems the default assumption is, if you are not with someone, you are against them. The thing is, that just isn’t true. There are so many sides to each candidate. For some, the answer of who to support is cut and dried, but for many, it just isn’t that way this year. Like I mentioned Friday, I don’t know what I am doing with my Presidential vote on Tuesday. I know who I am NOT voting for, but I don’t know if I will be voting for any of the other options. I just don’t.
So for those assuming, you know how I will vote based on other parts of my life, you just don’t. I don’t.
And yet, the other day someone posted that Evangelical Christians are showing themselves to be the hypocrites she has always known them to be.
Wait, wait, wait. I strongly identify as an Evangelical Christian, but neither she nor I know how I am voting, so in this area, I am not showing myself to be a hypocrite, thus negating her post.
I thought about responding to her post, but I am well aware she has made up her mind, so engaging her would not change her mind, nor mine.
The other situation on my mind might reveal me as a hypocrite.
Our girls have a HORRIBLE time keeping their rooms clean. We are after them ALLLLLL the time to pick up all the clothes and stuff in their room. That has always made me feel like a hypocrite. You see, my room is a disaster. Always. It just seems after hours of homeschooling and trying to keep the living spaces of our home tamed, I just have nothing left when it comes to my room. By the time I get there, I clear enough space to climb into bed and just be done moving.
Here I am yelling at my girls, and we all know my room is a nightmare.
And that eats at me. Really. I tell the girls, when they ask about my room, that I have to spend all my time on the rest of the house, but the guilt bugs me. Maybe I am putting too much thought into it, but it makes me feel like such a fake.
Well, today, I finally got up there…and shockingly, what I thought would take me days, shaped up pretty quickly. I have cleaned up my floor, sorted out papers just laying on my hope chest, and have it so you can move around. I just have the top of my dresser and my nightstand to clean up. It’s not ready for a catalog shoot or anything, but I can be satisfied with it. And that’s enough for now.
Are there any areas in parenting or adulting that have you feeling like a hypocrite? Do you just ignore it or do you set out to clean it up?