Category Archives: Stream of Consciousness

Random Thoughts of Sue Today

Sue’s long awaited day came this week.  She turned 7 on Friday.  I kid you not she has been counting down to her birthday since her last birthday.

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We went roller skating.  Okay, daddy and the girls went roller skating, I worked on Loom Knitting (finished a hat and started a baby cocoon).  I am not exactly safe on roller skates.  And it is very scary to me.

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She chose Subway for dinner and then home to unwrap presents!!!!  It was a good day.  It has been a joy to have our spunky, feisty Sue in our lives these last 7 years!

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Thank you Lord for our middle girl.

Thoughts, Thoughts, Thoughts

I am linking up with Love, Jaime for Stream of Consciousness Sunday…so welcome to my brain…

It has been pretty dark in my thoughts lately.  There are thoughts I am struggling with for the first time in a couple years.  Thankfully I have my girls, my hubby, my cousin and an amazing tribe of friends who remind me I am loved and have value.

And I have running!!!  Praise the Lord my legs and muscles are cooperating to let me pound out a mile or two at a time.  I watch Disney movies while I am on the treadmill.  My hubby finds it funny but I like them…and invariably my girls come down at some point and join me so I might as well have something they can watch too.  Otherwise, they want to talk to me and my running isn’t quite easy enough that I want to chitchat much 🙂

Have a great Sunday!  It is time to get ready for church here.

Monday I Felt It Coming

By 11:30 Monday morning I could read the writing on the wall.  My eyes were scratchy, my throat sore and my nose itchy.

A cold had come to roost.  Hubby told me I could sleep in the camper until I was better.

I drug my butt all week.  By Thursday my family got to enjoy my laryngitis and by Friday I broke down and took cold medicine–and only after I couldn’t sleep did I realize I had taken the daytime version.  Yeah.  Daytime at nighttime when you have a cold is not exactly party time.  Ugh.

Hubby had to work Saturday–boy am I glad the girls can cover the basics on their own.  I remember very little of yesterday, but hubby brought me home the right medicine and I am on the mend.

I slept last night, I kept down some food today, I even did a light workout today.  I am still slow and a bit groggy today, but I am on my way!!!  My future is so bright I have to wear shades!

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I am linking up today with loveJaime for Stream of Consciousness Sunday.